
“They also looked to the art of untrained painters and to children’s art, which they believed depicted interior emotional realities that had been ignored in conventional, cook-book-style academic painting. Non-euclidean perspective (Cubism) and tribal art fascinated Western European artists who saw them as portraying the reality of the spirit world.” – Wikipedia/Primitivism

I’m both excited and nervous about this leg in my journey to the coveted tag ‘New York Times bestseller.’ Go easy now, day-dreaming is all a novelist does.

I started this blog to share my love for writing and milestones (esxcerpts, reviews, articles) of every mundane, but formative step of my twins – two-part campus novel, Donna Quixote (titled 36 Views Of Naval Hill, and 36 Views Of Brandwag, respectively).

It’s set during the tenure of Prof Jansen (now Stanford University Fellow) at UFS. I regard his socially cohesive tenure as the academic microcosm of Nelson Mandela’s legacy. My aim is to add my bit to immortalizing both these men’s influence, but more importantly, whilst carving a figure-ground reversal of the narrative stencil left by Nadine Gordimer.

A blurb: it’s an attempt at Don Quixote pastiche. The protagonist suffers from extreme Hypergraphia; her bandaged palm is a palimpsest, a hypergraphic equivalent of self-mutilation. Her pen and journal equate to a lance and a trustee steed. She gets ruffled occasionally around Campus for pasting students with Sticky Notes scribbled with undecipherable, polygraphy-like cursive. As a white student, she is “tilting at windmills before the real giants.” Very important: Primitivism forms its running motif.

As my Twitter bio says, I’m forever tagging behind a litter of unruly WIPs on a leash (going in different directions, humping passersby’s legs, info-dumping everywhere… don’t get me started!).

Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative… godspeed; persons attempting to find a moral in it should geo-tag prior; persons attempting to find a plot in it — well, the plot points missed in this narrative explains why I can’t hit even the broadside of the barn. BY ORDER OF THE AUTHOR per J.J., CHIEF OF DECORUM